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"Face and neck"
Face and neck lift

Skin elasticity decreases due to the natural ageing process: the skin droops and sags. Sun, smoking, alcohol, stress and other factors play a major role in this ageing process. Skin resilience decreases and first signs become visible at the jaw line and neck. A facelift gives back their youthful form. Also drooping neck lines can be lifted again by means of a neck lift.

A facial correction cannot stop the ageing process, but you can turn back the clock for many years. First signs of ageing can be literally pulled away from the face by removing excess fat and skin, tightening underlying muscles and re-draping the skin of your face and neck.

Who is a good candidate for a face lift?

Optimal results are achieved in men and women whose skin is still somewhat elastic. Most patients are in their forties to sixties. However, facelifts can be performed successfully on older patients with fabulous results.
A facelift gives you a young and fresh appearance with long-lasting results. However, it does not change your fundamental appearance nor gives you the appearance of an eighteen-year-old.
It is important that a distinction is made between the elasticity of the skin and the quality of the skin. Reduced elasticity is manifested in sagging skin of face and neck. With age, not only the elasticity decreases, but also the quality. This deterioration is manifested in wrinkles and pigment disorders, which are best treated with lasers. A facelift will only affect the sagging of the skin, not the quality.

Types of face and neck lifts

There are several ways to perform a facelift. There are several techniques that can be used and the extent of surgery can greatly differ. We distinguish different types:
  • S lift for correction of the jawline and jowls
  • SPA lift for correction of the jawline but also of the cheeks and mid face area
  • SPA lift with additional platysma muscle suspension for neck correction
  • SPA lift with transection of the platysma muscle for correction of neck bands
  • midface lift for correction of the lower eyelids, the infra-orbital area and nasolabial fold. This can be performed as a stand-alone procedure or in combination with an SPA lift

There is a big difference in operating time, extent of skin undermining and recovery between these treatments. The choice of technique and the extent of the procedure depends on the patient's wishes. Consultation with the surgeon is therefore necessary.

The first consultation

Your first consultation with the plastic surgeon serves to explain your expectations regarding a facelift. The surgeon looks at the skin and the structure of neck and/or face and tells you exactly what the possibilities are. Next, you get an explanation about the operation. It is very important that you - as a patient - can express what it is exactly that you consider to be a problem. This creates a focused conversation.
The preparation

You will receive extensive instructions in order to prepare properly for the operation. This includes instructions on what you are allowed to eat and drink before the operation and which considerations to take into account when on medication. If you have short hair, it is recommended to let it grow for the operation in order to temporarily hide the scars.
The operation

Depending on the type of lift that is indicated, operation times vary between 2 and 4 hours. The smaller procedures can be performed under local anesthesia. For more extensive procedures (taking more than 2 hours) sedation is preferred.
No hair has to be shaved. The incisions are placed just in front of the ear, in the hair baring temporal area, in the sulcus behind the ear and rarely in the occipital hair baring area. The length of the incision also depends on the type of lift performed.
After the operation

A facelift is usually not a painful experience. Painkillers are often not necessary. A light tingling sensation of the skin is quite normal and this will eventually disappear automatically in time. It is caused by the healing that takes place under the skin. However, your face may be swollen the first week after surgery and some parts of the skin, especially around the neck, may turn blue.

In the beginning your face will feel somewhat strange. The first few weeks you will see the scar and there may be some swelling and bruising. Recovery often takes place quicker than the patients expect. You can resume your normal life after 10 to 14 days. Full normalization and recovery take a lot longer, but this is not noticeable to the outside world. The scars are barely visible and lines and wrinkles in face and neck have become smoothened. You look years younger. The ageing process cannot be stopped by a facelift and in about ten years you might consider a new treatment. However, the result of a facelift is forever: you have put back a step in time.


Any medical intervention carries a certain degree of risk. The risk of possible complications is reduced to a minimum only when the facial correction is performed by an experienced surgeon.
One of the most common complications after surgery are haematoma. This phenomenon is, however, rarely serious and will disappear spontaneously. Other possible consequences of the operation: temporary nerve damage or an infection, causing scars to heal less quickly. These complications are the exception rather than the rule.

A new face

During the first months after surgery, you will weekly observe some small changes. After about six months, everything is back to normal, even the sensitiveness of your skin. The scars will then be faded to fine, smooth white lines.

Do you have additional questions about plastic or aesthetic surgery?

If so, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

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