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Many procedures can be performed under local anesthesia. This applies both to minor skin corrections (e.g. birthmarks) and to larger procedures such as mini face lifts, ear correction, etc. If necessary, tranquilizers or sedatives are also given in the case of long-term procedures. The operation can be done quietly and completely painlessly. The major advantage is, of course, that no awakening period is required and that the patient can leave the clinic immediately after the procedure. Please note that the patient is not allowed to drive a car after an intervention that also included sedatives, and must therefore be accompanied.
Tumescent anesthesia is a local anesthetic technique that consists of the infiltration of a large volume of solution with a low concentration of the local anesthetic agent and epinephrine. Its main advantages are that it achieves adequate anesthesia and a significant reduction in intraoperative and postoperative bleeding, leading to greater ease of surgery with the added benefit that it facilitates tissue dissection. This technique can be used safely for anesthesia of large areas, given that systemic absorption of the local anesthetic and vasoconstrictor agent is limited, reducing the incidence of systemic side effects. The simplicity and numerous applications and benefits of this technique make it very useful in current dermatologic surgical practice. This form of anesthesia is very frequently used for liposuction and face lifts. The patient can leave the clinic immediately after surgery but is not allowed to drive the car.
A number of procedures cannot be performed under local anesthesia. A board certified anesthetist is then called upon to supplement the local anesthetic administered by the plastic surgeon with intravenous anesthesia. This technique is called TIVA in English and stands for Total Intravenous Anesthesia. Sometimes this is called “twilight sedation” and in the Netherlands it is called a “daze”. The products are administered via an IV, and no anesthetic gases are used. The intravenous drip will remain in place for a while after the procedure: extra medication can be administered in the recovery room if necessary after the procedure. The main advantages of this technique are that there is no postoperative nausea or vomiting, and you can eat and drink after about 1 hour. The patient can leave the Clinic fully awake and fit 1 to 2 hours after the end of the procedure.
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